This morning T came into G's room while we were laying there having our morning conversation. T told me that his girlfriend was coming to our house today. I don't remember how I figured that her parents may not know she was coming but I told T that she didn't need to come if her parents didn't know she was coming. G politely turned and said, "Mommy you need to quit interrupting T's business."
G loves women and really didn't mean any disrespect by his statement. He simply wanted to ensure that he was able to see Ts girlfriend. Although he didn't use exactly the correct word he did use a word that's meaning made his feelings known.
He is growing up so fast and I find myself desperately trying to hold on to every moment we have together. I am continually having to remind myself that he is a big boy and needs to be held to the standard that a little boy should be measured by. Lord, help me to see G and T as you see them and measure them by your standard.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
This morning T came into G's room while we were laying there having our morning conversation. T told me that his girlfriend was coming to our house today. I don't remember how I figured that her parents may not know she was coming but I told T that she didn't need to come if her parents didn't know she was coming. G politely turned and said, "Mommy you need to quit interrupting T's business."
G loves women and really didn't mean any disrespect by his statement. He simply wanted to ensure that he was able to see Ts girlfriend. Although he didn't use exactly the correct word he did use a word that's meaning made his feelings known.
He is growing up so fast and I find myself desperately trying to hold on to every moment we have together. I am continually having to remind myself that he is a big boy and needs to be held to the standard that a little boy should be measured by. Lord, help me to see G and T as you see them and measure them by your standard.
G loves women and really didn't mean any disrespect by his statement. He simply wanted to ensure that he was able to see Ts girlfriend. Although he didn't use exactly the correct word he did use a word that's meaning made his feelings known.
He is growing up so fast and I find myself desperately trying to hold on to every moment we have together. I am continually having to remind myself that he is a big boy and needs to be held to the standard that a little boy should be measured by. Lord, help me to see G and T as you see them and measure them by your standard.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
"Dusting is Not For Me"
I usually have the priviledge of waking G every morning or at least be the one who goes in and helps him get out of bed. He awakens every morning with a smile on his face. His great disposition runs through and through. From the time he awakens in the morning until that last goodnight kiss, he is happy.
This morning when I went into his room his sweet smile stretched across his face as usual. We always lay in his bed and have our morning conversation before starting our day. This morning he wanted to talk about AFV on DVD. He has been wanting to buy Season One of AFV for a couple of weeks. We decided this is a perfect opportunity to teach him about working and saving for the things he wants. His cerebral palsy doesn't allow him to do a lot of things but he desires to be a helper so badly. He asked if I had ordered his AFV on DVD and I told him he still needs to earn more money before he can buy it. We started coming up with different things he could do to earn the money and I suggested dusting the furniture. I was very surprised and amused when he responded, "Dusting is not for me."
The sweetness and innocence of children will never cease to amaze me. What would it be like if as children of God we held onto the kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness that children possess? It is my prayer that God will continue to transform me into the child of God that He created me to be.
This morning when I went into his room his sweet smile stretched across his face as usual. We always lay in his bed and have our morning conversation before starting our day. This morning he wanted to talk about AFV on DVD. He has been wanting to buy Season One of AFV for a couple of weeks. We decided this is a perfect opportunity to teach him about working and saving for the things he wants. His cerebral palsy doesn't allow him to do a lot of things but he desires to be a helper so badly. He asked if I had ordered his AFV on DVD and I told him he still needs to earn more money before he can buy it. We started coming up with different things he could do to earn the money and I suggested dusting the furniture. I was very surprised and amused when he responded, "Dusting is not for me."
The sweetness and innocence of children will never cease to amaze me. What would it be like if as children of God we held onto the kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness that children possess? It is my prayer that God will continue to transform me into the child of God that He created me to be.
"Dusting is Not For Me"
I usually have the priviledge of waking G every morning or at least be the one who goes in and helps him get out of bed. He awakens every morning with a smile on his face. His great disposition runs through and through. From the time he awakens in the morning until that last goodnight kiss, he is happy.
This morning when I went into his room his sweet smile stretched across his face as usual. We always lay in his bed and have our morning conversation before starting our day. This morning he wanted to talk about AFV on DVD. He has been wanting to buy Season One of AFV for a couple of weeks. We decided this is a perfect opportunity to teach him about working and saving for the things he wants. His cerebral palsy doesn't allow him to do a lot of things but he desires to be a helper so badly. He asked if I had ordered his AFV on DVD and I told him he still needs to earn more money before he can buy it. We started coming up with different things he could do to earn the money and I suggested dusting the furniture. I was very surprised and amused when he responded, "Dusting is not for me."
The sweetness and innocence of children will never cease to amaze me. What would it be like if as children of God we held onto the kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness that children possess? It is my prayer that God will continue to transform me into the child of God that He created me to be.
This morning when I went into his room his sweet smile stretched across his face as usual. We always lay in his bed and have our morning conversation before starting our day. This morning he wanted to talk about AFV on DVD. He has been wanting to buy Season One of AFV for a couple of weeks. We decided this is a perfect opportunity to teach him about working and saving for the things he wants. His cerebral palsy doesn't allow him to do a lot of things but he desires to be a helper so badly. He asked if I had ordered his AFV on DVD and I told him he still needs to earn more money before he can buy it. We started coming up with different things he could do to earn the money and I suggested dusting the furniture. I was very surprised and amused when he responded, "Dusting is not for me."
The sweetness and innocence of children will never cease to amaze me. What would it be like if as children of God we held onto the kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness that children possess? It is my prayer that God will continue to transform me into the child of God that He created me to be.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Madea, and other adventures!!
My sweet G is getting the most interesting personality. He is one of those people who say whatever is on their minds. . . and beleive me he has a lot on his mind. We made a trip to an appointment with a new neurologist earlier this week and as always it turned into quite the adventure. We loved the new doctor and was pleased and releaved at his approach to G's treatment.
After the doctor visit we decided since we were so close we would go to the Dekalb Farmers Market. My sister had never been before. Since we are both vegetarians we went crazy over the produce. We bought fresh white corn, green beans, and peaches. I also bought some organic blueberries and rasberries. We were all starving by the time we finished at the market and G asked for some blueberries before we got back out to the car. I poured some water over a few and thought that would be a nice treat to hold him until we could find the nearest Cracker Barrel. He loved them!! My sis and I tried them (we don't like blueberries) and we loved them too. Needless to say I went back in the market and bought three more pints of blueberries, two more pints of rasberries, and a pint of blackberries. We all had blue mouths!!
We went through the worst rainstorm I have seen in years while on I-285. It poured for about 10 miles. I hate driving in Atlanta, and this was terrifying. We made it through what G described as a "Wash Car" (car wash) and finally arrived at Cracker Barrel. We had no more gotten out of the car when my sweet little angel yelled at the top of his lungs, "Oh, my God, I thought she was Madea," (he was referring to this sweet little african-american lady.) My sister thought it was hilarious. The lady did have hair like Madea but it's not something a lady would like to hear. He proceeds into the restaurant and loudly announces to the entire building, "I'm here people, and I'm going to eat 9 biscuits. He was trying to convince me to allow him to have biscuits because we recently found he is allergic to wheat. He did eat 1 1/2 biscuits before he was miserably full and then managed to force down a few bites of dumplings from my plate.
The adventures he gets us into are going to be great stories for his children if he doesn't get us killed first. Oh, how I wish I had the love for life that my precious G has.
After the doctor visit we decided since we were so close we would go to the Dekalb Farmers Market. My sister had never been before. Since we are both vegetarians we went crazy over the produce. We bought fresh white corn, green beans, and peaches. I also bought some organic blueberries and rasberries. We were all starving by the time we finished at the market and G asked for some blueberries before we got back out to the car. I poured some water over a few and thought that would be a nice treat to hold him until we could find the nearest Cracker Barrel. He loved them!! My sis and I tried them (we don't like blueberries) and we loved them too. Needless to say I went back in the market and bought three more pints of blueberries, two more pints of rasberries, and a pint of blackberries. We all had blue mouths!!
We went through the worst rainstorm I have seen in years while on I-285. It poured for about 10 miles. I hate driving in Atlanta, and this was terrifying. We made it through what G described as a "Wash Car" (car wash) and finally arrived at Cracker Barrel. We had no more gotten out of the car when my sweet little angel yelled at the top of his lungs, "Oh, my God, I thought she was Madea," (he was referring to this sweet little african-american lady.) My sister thought it was hilarious. The lady did have hair like Madea but it's not something a lady would like to hear. He proceeds into the restaurant and loudly announces to the entire building, "I'm here people, and I'm going to eat 9 biscuits. He was trying to convince me to allow him to have biscuits because we recently found he is allergic to wheat. He did eat 1 1/2 biscuits before he was miserably full and then managed to force down a few bites of dumplings from my plate.
The adventures he gets us into are going to be great stories for his children if he doesn't get us killed first. Oh, how I wish I had the love for life that my precious G has.
Madea, and other adventures!!

My sweet G is getting the most interesting personality. He is one of those people who say whatever is on their minds. . . and beleive me he has a lot on his mind. We made a trip to an appointment with a new neurologist earlier this week and as always it turned into quite the adventure. We loved the new doctor and was pleased and releaved at his approach to G's treatment.
After the doctor visit we decided since we were so close we would go to the Dekalb Farmers Market. My sister had never been before. Since we are both vegetarians we went crazy over the produce. We bought fresh white corn, green beans, and peaches. I also bought some organic blueberries and rasberries. We were all starving by the time we finished at the market and G asked for some blueberries before we got back out to the car. I poured some water over a few and thought that would be a nice treat to hold him until we could find the nearest Cracker Barrel. He loved them!! My sis and I tried them (we don't like blueberries) and we loved them too. Needless to say I went back in the market and bought three more pints of blueberries, two more pints of rasberries, and a pint of blackberries. We all had blue mouths!!
We went through the worst rainstorm I have seen in years while on I-285. It poured for about 10 miles. I hate driving in Atlanta, and this was terrifying. We made it through what G described as a "Wash Car" (car wash) and finally arrived at Cracker Barrel. We had no more gotten out of the car when my sweet little angel yelled at the top of his lungs, "Oh, my God, I thought she was Madea," (he was referring to this sweet little african-american lady.) My sister thought it was hilarious. The lady did have hair like Madea but it's not something a lady would like to hear. He proceeds into the restaurant and loudly announces to the entire building, "I'm here people, and I'm going to eat 9 biscuits. He was trying to convince me to allow him to have biscuits because we recently found he is allergic to wheat. He did eat 1 1/2 biscuits before he was miserably full and then managed to force down a few bites of dumplings from my plate.
The adventures he gets us into are going to be great stories for his children if he doesn't get us killed first. Oh, how I wish I had the love for life that my precious G has.
After the doctor visit we decided since we were so close we would go to the Dekalb Farmers Market. My sister had never been before. Since we are both vegetarians we went crazy over the produce. We bought fresh white corn, green beans, and peaches. I also bought some organic blueberries and rasberries. We were all starving by the time we finished at the market and G asked for some blueberries before we got back out to the car. I poured some water over a few and thought that would be a nice treat to hold him until we could find the nearest Cracker Barrel. He loved them!! My sis and I tried them (we don't like blueberries) and we loved them too. Needless to say I went back in the market and bought three more pints of blueberries, two more pints of rasberries, and a pint of blackberries. We all had blue mouths!!
We went through the worst rainstorm I have seen in years while on I-285. It poured for about 10 miles. I hate driving in Atlanta, and this was terrifying. We made it through what G described as a "Wash Car" (car wash) and finally arrived at Cracker Barrel. We had no more gotten out of the car when my sweet little angel yelled at the top of his lungs, "Oh, my God, I thought she was Madea," (he was referring to this sweet little african-american lady.) My sister thought it was hilarious. The lady did have hair like Madea but it's not something a lady would like to hear. He proceeds into the restaurant and loudly announces to the entire building, "I'm here people, and I'm going to eat 9 biscuits. He was trying to convince me to allow him to have biscuits because we recently found he is allergic to wheat. He did eat 1 1/2 biscuits before he was miserably full and then managed to force down a few bites of dumplings from my plate.
The adventures he gets us into are going to be great stories for his children if he doesn't get us killed first. Oh, how I wish I had the love for life that my precious G has.
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