Thursday, October 1, 2009

18 Things I Learned From T

On Ts 18th birthday I wanted to write a beautiful letter that explained my feelings for him and expressed what motherhood meant to me. As I sat down to begin the letter my thoughts were a jumble and I was unsuccessful in bringing them all together in a poetic way. What I did instead was make a list of 18 things that I learned from T. This is appropriate since it is his 18th birthday and because he will probably appreciate this list more because it suits his personality better. So, here is my list.

  1. I learned that toys have lots of tiny screws.
  2. I learned that no matter how hard I try I can never be completely in control of a situation.
  3. I learned that zip lines are not so scary and mud wrestling is really fun.
  4. I learned that I am capable of teaching someone to read (even if they don't want to).
  5. I learned that afternoon naps are best when shared between a mother and her little boy.
  6. I learned that nothing smells better than a freshly bathed baby.
  7. I learned that good books are better when they are shared.
  8. I learned that green egg die has the power to turn a little boy into the HULK.
  9. I learned that forts are the greatest things to little boys.
  10. I learned not to be afraid to experiment because I just might invent something new.
  11. I learned that boxes can be more fun than the presents that came in them.
  12. I learned that it is okay to ruin my only pair of shoes by getting in the creek to play.
  13. I learned that beautiful things are sometimes poisonous and how to reach poison control.
  14. I learned that one little boy can shake an entire house by running into a pole.
  15. I learned that duct tape can change an ordinary object into something magical.
  16. I learned that t.v. remotes will work without their back.
  17. I learned that a little boy has the ability to stuff half your dishes, most of his toys and a multitude of stray socks under one twin bed.
  18. I learned that I am capable of loving someone will all of my heart.

Happy Birthday T!!

I love you!

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