Sunday, April 11, 2010

Many Indians—One Tribe

As usual yesterday's gathering left everyone who attended with great memories to file away in our heart. The problem is some of us seem to have sprouted some leaks in our memories. It is funny what some of us remember that others have long forgotten. Things that seemed so important in high school have vaporized and all that is left behind are the lingering memories of good times. I always find myself in a very reflective mood after our reunions. It is like "the wise one" (David) said, "We spend our lives chasing age." When we are young we are striving to become older and when we are older we long to regain our youth. That is where I find myself after days spent with old friends; wishing there was a way to recapture that time when I was young.
If it were not for the special bonds I feel strengthening between us each time we are together I would probably be depressed. As much as it pains me to say it, getting older is really a great thing. I find myself becoming more appreciative of the little things life has to offer, I am content in the moment I am currently in, and satisfied even in times of trial. I most definitely live a blessed life. God has given me much more than I deserve.
I have often heard it said that if you are fortunate enough to find one or two true friends in life you are lucky. What our class has is so unusual. I would do just about anything for my friends from the class of 84. We have a bond that is not easily broken. I also feel that there are many of you that I could call on and you would be there for me. That is such a rare and special gift. I thank each of you for simply being yourself. Each of you holds such wonderful unique qualities. Individually we are so different but when we come together we are one. We are the CHS class of 84. There are many Indians but one tribe. The one burning question is, "Whatever happened to our flaxen-haired Japanese Homecoming Queen?" If you see her please bring her to the next reunion because apparently some of us don't believe she ever existed. The memory of her has slowly leaked out of their brains.

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