Monday, June 7, 2010

The Queen of Hearts

I will be the first to admit that G's sudden and overwhelming affection for his teacher over the past few months hurt my feelings and quite frankly broke my heart. I was overjoyed when the last day of school came and went so that I could get started having fun with my little boy without having to share him with anyone else. (I know, I am a jealous woman when it comes to the men I love.) I have really been quite busy and have not been giving my total attention to G this last week. I honestly have been trying to get  my house in some sort of order and have been preoccupied with a mini kitchen remodel.

Tonight I gave G his bath (which is rare). Bathtime is one thing I usually relinquish to the Daddy but a couple of nights ago we went to bed with a leak in our ceiling that was coming from the air conditioner return. Poor J has been in the attic off and on all day trying to find and fix the problem on top of trying to finish my cabinet makeover and the necessary repairs in the kitchen.

I have been busy with other projects. I made a cotton shower curtain for our bathroom this past week and gave our bathroom a thourough cleaning tonight so that I could enjoy the new look even better with everything all neat and tidy. I cleaned the shower and tub and called G to come in and take his bath. After about 15 minutes he finally made it into the master bedroom. By that time I had his tub filled and waiting on him. We had some sweet bath time complete with shaving our beards. (Daddy doesn't usually let G play in the bathtub.) After drying G off he asked me to rub lotion on him. This is something we used to do to warm and stretch his muscles but have honestly been neglecting. He asked for me to massage his back first. He then flipped over for me to rub his chest and I added in those tight arms and gave them good stretches. We eventually covered his entire body ending with his feet. He really loves to be massaged but hey, who doesn't? After all my love and attention he looked up at me with his angelic face and said, "Mommy aren't you glad you won your heart back?" My heart melted at those words. I had said that I was going to win his heart back this summer when I had him all to myself. I am not sure that I even said it to him but anyway he heard me. He really meant that I had won his heart back but said it in that sweet innocent little boy language. Oh, how I love my boys.

T left yesterday for a trip to Puerto Rico with his girlfriend's family. I cried of course because I feel like he is all grown up and I have lost his heart. But isn't God so good. He knew exactly how I felt and gave me the gift of hearing G proclaim his love for me tonight right when I needed it the most. His timing is not my timing but His timing is perfect. To top it all off my sweet T also has sent several texts and made one phone call home today. I am truly a blessed mother, wife, and child of God. = )

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