Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Gifts of 2010

I have spent the last hour looking through last years photos to see if there is an acceptable one to use as a Christmas card photo. I didn't have any luck finding one that I care to send out to anyone so I suppose I will try and convince my gang to humor me with a Christmas photo this weekend. Oh, the dread I feel at the thought. It has been like pulling teeth for the past 5 years to get a particular member of the family to cooperate. I end up frustrated and I am typically crying before we get one shot in. I really hate to think about it.

I did however see just how much activity and change 2010 brought to our family. We had three graduations this year. G graduated from Kindergarten, T graduated from high school, and I graduated from college. We took a couple of short trips, one to the mountains with old friends, and one to Savanna on a business trip with J. (That is what I love about homeschooling, you take time off when it is convenient to you!!) That brings up the next big event of the year. We started homeschooling G. Spur of the moment and with no curriculum (still to this day) we plunged headfirst into a new lifestyle. However, we are learning and making great memories together.

T left home for college bringing another big adjustment to our family. He isn't far from home which is nice. He comes home every weekend and is doing great in his classes. I am excited to see him growing into a responsible young man. I am amazed at his great hunger for reading and writing. Those were the two areas I felt the least capible of teaching him when we homeschooled him. He absolutely hated to read until he was in about the fourth or fifth grade and asking him to write anything was a battle. It thrills me to see how passionate he is about school and I love it when he lets me into his world and shares a story with me. He is a gifted writer and his stories give me goose bumps when I read them.

G has changed so much this past year. He is trying new things and is succeeding at them. He is getting braver as far as physical challenges that he faces and has become way too adept at using the remote control. He has a unique personality and his interests are not the typical interests of a 7 year old boy. His new passion is watching The Ellen Degeneras Show and Sanford and Son. He asked T last week if he wanted one across his lip and while clasping his chest told me, "OH, I think its a big one Momma."

So, as I type tonight I can't help wondering what 2011 holds for our family. Will there be heartache and loss? Will it be a year filled with fun and happines? Or will it be a year with a mixture of the two? My prayer tonight is that 2011 will bring more happiness than pain, more joy than sorrow, and more success than failure. May we each grow closer to the Lord and more in line with His purpose for our lives. Lead us Lord and give us vision.

Proverbs 29:18

18Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]--blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he. ~Amplified Bible~

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