Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Beginnings

As I lay here tonight I am filled with excitement and anticipation. Tomorrow morning the surgeon will cut G's casts off and his legs will be exposed for the first time in six weeks! Do you realize what that means? Water will flow over his skin tomorrow night when he takes his nightly bath. His hair will be washed and rinsed without the use of this:

His feet will touch the floor and he will attempt to stand on those tiny legs that have not held him up for 43 days. He will be free to scratch where he itches, sleep in any position he desires, and be free to once again roam freely through the house. We will get rid of this:

We will replace it with this:

And this:

We will be able to eat dinner at the dining room table and will be able to resume our schoolwork at a desk instead of the sofa. I will no longer be mistaken for a leper due to the loss of skin from rubbing the casts. We will no longer get the weird looks and questions from people when we take G out in public. We will just get the typical ones we have become accustomed to over the years. I will no longer be tempted to tell people that I hit him in the legs with a baseball bat or that he jumped from the roof breaking both legs.

But the best thing is-I will sleep in my bed with my husband for the first time in 43 days!!! That does mean that I will be required to move all my junk back to my bedside table. I will be loosing a much used drawer in G's nightstand but I will once again be able to snuggle up to my sweet hubby on cold nights.

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