Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sad, Sad Day

A wonderfully unique woman I have known for many years died in a car accident this afternoon. I haven't seen her for a long time but just talked to her last week on Facebook. It seems so unreal that life just keeps going when someone who is loved by so many steps out of this world. I have felt empty and sick since I read about her death and I cannot imagine the pain of her family tonight.

Life has been very hard for me this last year. It isnt that nothing positive has come to my life because there have been lots of good things, too. I reached the goal of being a college graduate almost a year ago and my son graduated from high school and completed his freshman year of college successfully. I have been able to spend the past few months teaching Sweet G at home. Life is still good. I just find that this year has had more than it's share of pain. Bittersweet.

Today was particularly hard. It started with the news of my friend's death, then I attended T's girlfriend's going away party (she leaves for the Marine's next week), and later today I was given a message asking something I am not sure I can handle right now. I find myself wishing I could disappear for a while.

Lord, hide me in Your everlasting arms. Shield me from the attacks I feel too weak to fight. Hold my hand and lead me out of this valley that has once again turned so dark. Help me to hear Your voice as I walk through this storm and give me the strength I need to obey You when You tell me what to do. Life is so fragile. Things change in the blink of an eye and I don't want to hesitate in doing Your will.

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