Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lessons From Today

My wonderful husband lovingly, patiently and persistently worked to awaken me this morning in time for us to make it to Sunday School and church. I stayed up way too late last night which is common for me. I just really wanted to be left alone to sleep but he is so much more aware of our need to worship than I am so he gently encouraged me to wake up.

I began to drift in and out of consciousness after he made several attempts to wake me. As I lay there trying to break free from the thick fog of sleep that was engulfing me I heard Sweet G's voice. "Is Momma getting up? Is she going to church? Is it going to be just you and me today, Daddy?"

Those simple questions asked from curiosity and a deep need to know the day's plan was what finally swooped in and lifted me out of the fog. Depression and panic become excuses at times. I don't consciously use them to allow me to check out of life but I also don't make a conscious effort to press forward and overcome my tendency to allow depression to prevent me from living a full life.

Sunday School was wonderful. Our teacher has a way of presenting God's truth in a way that resonates with me. We have similar personalities and I suppose that makes his teaching real, relatable and powerful to me.

We had a special guest come and sing during the worship service. The worship was more powerful than it has been in a while. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and looked next to me and saw Sweet G lift both hands as high as he could and shout, "Yes! praise the Lord." My initial Mommy thought was to tell him to be quiet but I didn't. I paused and watched my little boy worship with a freedom that I wish I was bold enough to experience. I sat there in awe of his sweet spirit and his lack of restraint. He felt moved by the singing and he unashamedly praised God.

God had many lessons for me today. The sermon was perfect for where I have been in my life and pointed out some key areas I have become weak in. Our Sunday School lesson was filled with answers to issues I deal with regularly. The songs of worship reminded me that I gain strength from praising my Savior. Sweet G demonstrated freedom in worshiping Christ and in trusting Him regardless of the circumstances God allows me to face.

I prayed at the alter about some things I have been dealing with for a long time. A precious senior adult lady joined me to pray. She is the perfect picture of southern grace and devoted Christianity. Everyone who knows her loves her and admires the testimony of her life. I was honored that she prayed with me but the most amazing thing happened as we finished praying. She held me by my arms and looked directly into my eyes as she spoke to me. She said some things about me that took me by surprise. God used her to bless me and encourage me.

I would have missed all those things if my amazing husband hadn't persisted in his attempts to wake me. He is so much more than I deserve. God taught me so much today. He demonstrated the fruit of the spirit through those around me.

Galatians 5:22-25 (KJV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23[Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.]
24[And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.]
25[If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.]

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