Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Friend

Some of my favorite memories from childhood are of a person I never met. She was my friend, yet she was a stranger. I knew about her family, her hobbies, and her day to day life. I could confide my most precious feelings with her with the confidence that she would never betray me. I can still remember everything she ever said to me. You may say that is impossible but I assure you that I can because I can hold them in my hands through the letters she wrote to me. She was my pen pal. I still have her letters tucked away in my closet. The very first one she sent me was written on strawberry stationary. The paper still holds a small amount of the strawberry fragrance it once was infused with. That scent reminds me of Elaine. Somehow we lost contact with each other during the entrance to our teen years. I often wondered what happened to her and felt certain that I would never find out but the wonderful technology of our world gave me the ability to do what I thought was impossible. The Internet and Facebook reunited me with my friend. I was able to find out about the woman the little girl became and was looking forward to learning more but it was not to be. Shortly after I found her on Facebook she was diagnosed with an aggressive type of brain tumor. I was deleted from her Facebook account and lost contact with her again. Thinking that maybe she accidentally unfriended me I sent another friend request. I never received a response. It has been several months since I heard from her so tonight I searched for her again. I so hoped to find her well on her way to recovery but instead I found her obituary. It is strange how someone can affect your life. We never saw each other face to face. I never heard her voice but her words changed me. Through her life I learned what it would be like to ride a subway in New York and live in a city that afforded you the opportunity to walk to the library. Her life and mine were a contrast of city life and country life for a little girl. She grew up to become a nurse and served our country during Desert Storm. She loved horses and dogs, appreciated pretty stationary and wanted to buy it even though nobody writes letters anymore. She was a daughter, sister, wife, and friend. Trips to my mailbox on warm summer days will always remind me of my childhood and bring back fond memories of my pen pal. Rest in Peace, Elaine. Your Pen Pal, Andrea

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