Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Little Man

Today Sweet G had therapy. We were asked to come early so he could be seen by the equipment man. I sometimes forget how special G really is and just how many people work to see him succeed but I was reminded of those things today.

It is time for a new walker since G is on the last notch of his current walker. The ability to walk with the aide of a walker is a huge accomplishment for G and will give him a little independence but there is nothing little about that boy. He has a huge heart, an enormous appetite for life, and a personality and strength that are immeasurable. Okay is not good enough for Sweet G. That is not only my opinion but it is the opinion of anyone who has the gift of being introduced to G. I see it on the faces of strangers as they overhear his comments, in the tears of choir members as he lifts his hands in worship.

Today he sat and chatted with his buddy Brian the equipment salesman like a little man. They discussed Ultimate Fighting and G burst into uncontrollable laughter when Brian said, "I love UFC but I can't watch it. My wife won't let me." Without missing a beat and with absolute abandon G replied, "Even I can watch Ultimate Fighting." Brian sat patiently talking to G enjoying the conversation as much as G until another child required his attention. I know that Brian loves G (other kids too) because besides ordering a walker for G he is also ordering G some hemi-walkers to try. He most likely won't be able to get paid for both and will let the profit from one cover the loss on the other. This is not uncommon. Like many others who invest in G, Brian wants to see G reach his highest potential even if it requires self sacrifice.

While sitting in the lobby waiting for his therapy to begin G announces that he is going to hang out with Mr. Dave until Miss Ami is ready. I told him that he couldn't go bother Mr. Dave because he was working. About that time the receptionist walks in and says, "Hey, what's up dude?" G says, "Well, I really want to go hang out with Mr. Dave." I again remind him that Mr. Dave is working. A minute later the receptionist sticks her head back in the door and says, "Mr. Dave says come on back." That was all he needed to hear and immediately rolls himself to Mr. Dave's office with speed and ease he doesn't often display. So, for twenty minutes he sits in the office having man time with his buddy Mr. Dave watching clips on the Internet.

G lovingly calls his physical therapist the mean one or the hard one. She definitely has the hardest job of all his therapists. He gives her the most resistance but she doesn't seem to notice. She's been with him longer than any other therapist and she is tough when she needs to be because she loves him. During therapy we are discussing G's progress and the possibility for his future. Miss Ami looked at me and said, "I want him to accomplish as much as he possibly can. I want to see him walk across the stage to graduate. I really believe he can do it."

What a blessing God gave our family when he sent Sweet G. Little did we know how that three pound bundle of joy was going to transform our lives and the lives of so many others. I sit in amazement as I see how God uses that little boy.

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