Monday, September 17, 2012


Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by my love for you, my precious husband. I sit in awe that you are mine, that you chose me to spend your life with, and that you can still cause butterflies to dance in my stomach with a smile or a wink.

If I live to be a hundred I will never unravel the mystery of our love that seems to grow exponentially with every day. How can I still have these giddy schoolgirl feelings come over me when my phone plays your ringtone? Why does the sound of your key in the door bring a huge smile to my face? When will I ever tire of hearing you call me Sweetpea? Will I ever get over the touch of your kisses or the feel of your breath on my neck?

In a way I feel like I wished away our time together by always looking forward to another anniversary, another year added to the length of our marriage. Always thinking that when we reach a magic number the fear of losing you would pass. Time spent wondering what it would be like to look into your eyes and see them surrounded by wrinkles and your hair a distinguished grey. Now I look around and it's here. Your hair is that grey I imagined and wrinkles are beginning to frame those beautiful eyes. 30 years have passed since our first date and still it's not enough. I remember the day I met you 32 years ago as vividly as if it were yesterday. I think a part of me knew then that you and I were meant to be. I laugh now at the naive young man who thought he'd never find one woman that he could spend the rest of his life with. God must get some big laughs out of His children when we say things like that especially when you say it to the very person you will spend your life with. I remember the exact spot we were when you told me that. We were just two young friends walking from one building to another while changing classes. We had no idea what God had in His plans for us.

Even though it seems such a short time it has been filled with lots of life. So many wonderful memories we have made. Such fun times we have shared. Miracles we have witnessed. Oh, how much I love you. My heart is filled to overflowing tonight as I marvel at the gift God gave me in you. You have such a servants heart; always willing to do whatever anyone needs. I'm sorry that I haven't always treasured that about you.

I thought I loved you with all of my heart on the day I married you, but I was so wrong. Each day I spend with you makes me love you more. I now know that I will never stop loving you. I will love you until the end of time. My soulmate, my love, my best friend.


  1. This is just precious and really warmed my heart. I am coming up on year two of marriage. I hope my love always shines as bright as yours. Beautiful!

  2. Thank you for dropping by my blog and for your sweet comments. The key to our happiness is we make every day count, never go to sleep angry, and remind ourselves why we fell in love when times are hard. It also helps if you are best friends. Don't blink because if you do you will find yourself celebrating 28 years of marriage too.


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