Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I most certainly did not load my family into a van and a car and head directly out of our snow covered world into an even snowier world. We did not arrive in the mountains only to get within 3 miles of our cabin and have no way of getting to the top of the mountain. I most certainly did not sit in the parking lot of a convienience store for an hour waiting on a stranger to come to my rescue, eventually taking me and my family into a more dangerous situation. And if anyone tells you that they saw me sitting there puking into a ziplock baggie they have mistaken me for someone else.

I most certainly did not wake up in the middle of the night being puked on by my Sweet G and I didn't get into the jaquzi tub at 4:00 am to clean us both up. I also did not play in the snow like a child with my childhood friends and their families. I did not throw any snowballs or pull my child around in the snow on an inflatable pool toy. My child did not lose a tooth sometime during the snow playing without my noticing. I am much too good a mommy to let that happen.

Just for the record, if anyone tells you they saw me dancing to 80's tunes on a Wii they have confused me with someone else. I would NEVER do that! My friend didn't drive a Lincoln Towncar up the side of the mountain on a dare, he did not drive it back down the mountain after snow began to fall, and he most certainly did not plow into a huge rock while trying to avoid hitting another friend and shooting his truck off the side of the mountain. That same friend did not get into the hot tub with his wife and another friend when it was so cold that ice formed in his hair. He is way too smart for that.

My husband did not spend the entire day sleeping because he caught what I didn't have on the drive up. I did not use my disabled child to attempt to persuade my level headed friend to stay another day in what would most likely become an even more dangerous situation. Do not believe a word DSC tells you about that. We all know he stretches the truth. My husband and dear friend DSC did not ride in the back of a pickup truck down the mountain covered with icy roads. My husband did not go coatless during that trip and he would never, never expose his chest to the frigid weather to taunt my friend. I did not see an old man almost careen off the side of a cliff on a tractor while attempting to pull a woman out of the ditch. My nerves would not allow me to live through that.

I did not spend a wonderful weekend with my childhood friends and fellow classmates of the CHS class of 1984. I did not create an even deeper bond with them and I did not, would not cry like a baby on the way home because I miss them already. Well, actually I did. Pictures to come later.

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