Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Haircut

Last night I gave my husband a haircut. He likes to keep his hair pretty short and typically asks me to cut it several times before we are able to get around to cutting it. We had just finished a few projects around the house and since I had the vacuum hose out I decided to offer to cut his hair. He quickly took me up on the offer. He went into to wash his hair before I cut it in order to get rid of a bad case hat hair caused from wearing a baseball cap all day.

I wanted to give him the total salon experience so I followed him into the bathroom and asked if I could help him wash his hair. He knelt in the floor and held his head over the bathtub as I used the sprayer to wet and wash his hair. I was so happy to be able to give him a haircut without him having to ask for weeks until I found time to cut it.

We went into the living room where a wooden chair and the clippers were waiting. I started cutting with a shorter guard than I typically use because he likes his hair shorter than I like it. I was going for all the great wife bonus points. The clippers glided smoothly across his head as I cut the sides and the back. I was going for a high and tight like the haircuts he got when we were first married and he was in the reserves and ROTC.

A smile crept across my face as I cut. I knew that this act of kindness as simple as it was meant so much to my precious husband. After finishing up the back and sides it was time to change guards to do the top. I looked into the case and quickly spotted the guard marked 3 and snapped it onto the clippers. With one smooth stroke I ran the clippers across the top of his head. Something didn't look right. I let out an audible gasp as I quickly jerked the clippers around and saw that the guard I had used did have a 3 on it but was followed by mm. In the center of the guard was the number 1. I had used the next to smallest guard on the top of his head. It was shorter on top than it was on the sides.

My heart sunk! I felt panic and humiliation rushing in on me like a flood. Joey immediately began to comfort me. He said, "You finally cut it the way I like it. It really feels great already. I am happy so don't be upset."

I almost cried but his continual praise and encouragement helped me overcome the tragedy and when I looked into his eyes I could only laugh and apologize. I have learned over the years that mishaps turn out to be the best memories so I am learning to see the humor in things as they happen instead of beating myself up over my mistakes.

I want you to understand that my laughter was not a sign that I didn't care about what I had just done to my sweet husband. I still feel bad about it. I explained to him that I laughed because I could cut one of his ears off accidentally and he would say, "I am so glad you did that. I have always wanted to have only one ear. I really think it looks good, don't you?"

He really would, he's just that sweet. I know, it's sickening how he always tries to protect me but I truly am thankful. I love that man more every second that I live.

I thought it was strange that our oldest son didn't acknowledge his dad's extreme haircut when he came home. I figured that he had and that Joey was just telling me he didn't to save my feelings. This afternoon I asked T if he noticed his dad's hair and he smiled a sweet smile and said, "I was told not to say anything, he sent me a text last night while I was at work telling me what happened and warning me to keep silent."

I really did marry prince charming. He is my best friend, my biggest fan, and my most devoted defender. He did manage to curb any remarks from Trey but even he can't silence Sweet G. I kept hearing this little voice ringing through the house, "Daddy, you're bald. You've got a bald head." It was always followed by whispers and sushes. Well, it may be short but at least it will grow back. I sure am sorry honey.


  1. I love the love in here. Oh so precious :)

  2. Thank you for your sweet comment. I live a very blessed life and after my visit to your blog I see that you do too. You have a great sense of humor and I look forward to reading more posts from you. Hope you come back to visit soon!


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