Friday, October 30, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I have never been one to jokingly refer to a bad day as being Monday. This week, however, has been unusually full of little annoying problems and mishaps. So much so that I have wondered how many Mondays in a row I will experience. It all started last Saturday. So here is my not me Monday list for my not Monday Week.

Monday # 1 (Saturday, October 24, 2009) I absolutely did not change the settings on my camera in such a way that it would not work. If I did that I would definitely be able to fix it myself without the help of a friend. So whatever David tells you don't believe that I did anything remotely like that.

Monday # 2 (Sunday, October 25, 2009) Ignore my husband if he tells you that I was the one who totally messed up our home computer network. I would never even consider making adjustments to such an integral tool in my education without knowing what I was doing. My computer time is much too valuable for me to risk going without the internet and my printer for four entire days, not to speak of the amount of money we would have to pay to have an expert come out and fix all the problems that would create. I would estimate that would cost about $112.00. I would never risk all those problems not to mention that I would not be able to scan my son's senior page photos which were due last week.

Monday # 3 (Monday, October 26, 2009) If anyone tells you that I received two phone calls during the middle of my first class I would be very hesitant to believe them. College students should never check their phones during class and I certainly would not. I also would not leave in the middle of class so don't listen if anyone tries to tell you that I did. I would never skip my writing class and be happy about it; especially if it meant my son had to be picked up from school because he was running a temperature.

Monday # 4 (Tuesday, October 27, 2009) If anyone tells you they saw me at the Breast Center on this day I most certainly was not. I did not submit myself to a more in depth mammogram than necessary. A typical mammogram is uncomfortable enough, and it could not be true that I had to be tortured to an entirely new level. My husband did not have to stay home with our sick son and wait for the computer repair person to come and fix the network that I did not destroy and he most certainly did not have to pay over 100 dollars to have the network fixed.

Monday # 5 (Wednesday. October 28, 2009) I most certainly did not go to work in my pajamas, nor show up for class dressed in the same Snoopy p j s, and if anyone tells you they saw me going into Infinity Children's Services dressed that way they should be ashamed to repeat such a thing.

Monday # 6 (Thursday, October 29, 2009) The doctor could not possibly tell us that our son should stay home from school today. I mean come on, my husband needs to work and I need to teach a lesson today. We would not have time for this kind of inconvenience.

Monday # 7 (Friday, October 30, 2009) Please don't tell me that I ended up sleeping on a twin size Ikea bed with a mattress that feels like you are laying on a towel on top of a wooden platform alongside one sick little boy who coughed most of the night. If he tells you I stole the covers at one point in the night he must have been dreaming because I know I had to be awake the entire time. Surely I did not spend the day at home when I so needed to go to Practicum today. If I did stay at home I would have finished all my schoolwork since my network is now working. . . or was working. This could not be happening. My internet could not possibly be going in and out. I could not hear the heating unit making a weird sound. The lights cannot be dim. I must be in a terrible dream. My life could never be filled with such crazy things like this. Surely I am imagining the Georgia Power Crew setting up a transformer outside my bedroom window. I know I did not hear them say they will be back in a couple of weeks to dig up my yard, the street, and my neighbor's yard before my power will be permanently repaired.

I know this all has to be happening to someone else. I just don't have time for all this confusion. I know, I know, I know that my Savior loves me. I know this because in the midst of all these things I have peace. It is unexplainable, amazing, sweet peace. Now I am not saying that I have not had to go to bed a couple of times this week to cope. I did that several times but after a short rest to let me catch my breath and refocus I exited the bedroom with a calmness that does not come from my flesh. Thank you, Lord for your continual transformation. I praise you for each and every problem that I have experienced this week. You have blessed me abundantly this week so starting tomorrow if you need to, you can share some of my blessings with someone else. I promise I won't mind and please don't let tomorrow be Monday again.

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I have never been one to jokingly refer to a bad day as being Monday. This week, however, has been unusually full of little annoying problems and mishaps. So much so that I have wondered how many Mondays in a row I will experience. It all started last Saturday. So here is my not me Monday list for my not Monday Week.

Monday # 1 (Saturday, October 24, 2009) I absolutely did not change the settings on my camera in such a way that it would not work. If I did that I would definitely be able to fix it myself without the help of a friend. So whatever David tells you don't believe that I did anything remotely like that.

Monday # 2 (Sunday, October 25, 2009) Ignore my husband if he tells you that I was the one who totally messed up our home computer network. I would never even consider making adjustments to such an integral tool in my education without knowing what I was doing. My computer time is much too valuable for me to risk going without the internet and my printer for four entire days, not to speak of the amount of money we would have to pay to have an expert come out and fix all the problems that would create. I would estimate that would cost about $112.00. I would never risk all those problems not to mention that I would not be able to scan my son's senior page photos which were due last week.

Monday # 3 (Monday, October 26, 2009) If anyone tells you that I received two phone calls during the middle of my first class I would be very hesitant to believe them. College students should never check their phones during class and I certainly would not. I also would not leave in the middle of class so don't listen if anyone tries to tell you that I did. I would never skip my writing class and be happy about it; especially if it meant my son had to be picked up from school because he was running a temperature.

Monday # 4 (Tuesday, October 27, 2009) If anyone tells you they saw me at the Breast Center on this day I most certainly was not. I did not submit myself to a more in depth mammogram than necessary. A typical mammogram is uncomfortable enough, and it could not be true that I had to be tortured to an entirely new level. My husband did not have to stay home with our sick son and wait for the computer repair person to come and fix the network that I did not destroy and he most certainly did not have to pay over 100 dollars to have the network fixed.

Monday # 5 (Wednesday. October 28, 2009) I most certainly did not go to work in my pajamas, nor show up for class dressed in the same Snoopy p j s, and if anyone tells you they saw me going into Infinity Children's Services dressed that way they should be ashamed to repeat such a thing.

Monday # 6 (Thursday, October 29, 2009) The doctor could not possibly tell us that our son should stay home from school today. I mean come on, my husband needs to work and I need to teach a lesson today. We would not have time for this kind of inconvenience.

Monday # 7 (Friday, October 30, 2009) Please don't tell me that I ended up sleeping on a twin size Ikea bed with a mattress that feels like you are laying on a towel on top of a wooden platform alongside one sick little boy who coughed most of the night. If he tells you I stole the covers at one point in the night he must have been dreaming because I know I had to be awake the entire time. Surely I did not spend the day at home when I so needed to go to Practicum today. If I did stay at home I would have finished all my schoolwork since my network is now working. . . or was working. This could not be happening. My internet could not possibly be going in and out. I could not hear the heating unit making a weird sound. The lights cannot be dim. I must be in a terrible dream. My life could never be filled with such crazy things like this. Surely I am imagining the Georgia Power Crew setting up a transformer outside my bedroom window. I know I did not hear them say they will be back in a couple of weeks to dig up my yard, the street, and my neighbor's yard before my power will be permanently repaired.

I know this all has to be happening to someone else. I just don't have time for all this confusion. I know, I know, I know that my Savior loves me. I know this because in the midst of all these things I have peace. It is unexplainable, amazing, sweet peace. Now I am not saying that I have not had to go to bed a couple of times this week to cope. I did that several times but after a short rest to let me catch my breath and refocus I exited the bedroom with a calmness that does not come from my flesh. Thank you, Lord for your continual transformation. I praise you for each and every problem that I have experienced this week. You have blessed me abundantly this week so starting tomorrow if you need to, you can share some of my blessings with someone else. I promise I won't mind and please don't let tomorrow be Monday again.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pie Anyone?

This afternoon J, G, and I went out shopping for a new front door because ours has been in need of replacement since we bought our house 4 years ago. (I also had just watched Curb Appeal and saw a door that I thought would look great on our house.) We arrived at the home improvement store and were greeted by two huge boxes filled with pumpkins. The boxes were covered with images of Charlie Brown and his fellow characters. Upon spotting the boxes G yelled out, "Look, it's the Great Pumpkin!" Of course after such a sweet discovery we had to choose a Great Pumpkin of our very own. After a short inspection of the beautiful bright orange specimens we chose our future Jack-O-Lantern and loaded him into our buggy.

A short time later as we were checking out G began to tell his dad about an episode of The Imagination Movers where they grew a huge pumpkin in the warehouse that they intended on entering in the county fair. The problem was that the pumpkin was so large that it would not fit through the door. After experimenting with several alternative solutions they decided that their only course of action was to cut up the pumpkin, cook it, and make it into a pie that they could enter in the fair instead. After telling J all about the Imagination Movers G said, "I'm going to do like the Imagination Movers and make a Jack-O-Lantern pie when I get home." I thought his mistaken connection between halloween jack-o-lanterns and pumpkin pies was too cute.

I tried to convince G that "pumpkin" pies are made from small pumpkins and that I would help him make one if he wanted. G didn't agree with my opinion and maintained that he was going to use his "Great Pumpkin" to make his "Jack-O-Lantern Pie." So unless he changes his mind I may just have a lot of Jack-O-Lantern pie on my hands. Pie anyone?

Pie Anyone?

This afternoon J, G, and I went out shopping for a new front door because ours has been in need of replacement since we bought our house 4 years ago. (I also had just watched Curb Appeal and saw a door that I thought would look great on our house.) We arrived at the home improvement store and were greeted by two huge boxes filled with pumpkins. The boxes were covered with images of Charlie Brown and his fellow characters. Upon spotting the boxes G yelled out, "Look, it's the Great Pumpkin!" Of course after such a sweet discovery we had to choose a Great Pumpkin of our very own. After a short inspection of the beautiful bright orange specimens we chose our future Jack-O-Lantern and loaded him into our buggy.

A short time later as we were checking out G began to tell his dad about an episode of The Imagination Movers where they grew a huge pumpkin in the warehouse that they intended on entering in the county fair. The problem was that the pumpkin was so large that it would not fit through the door. After experimenting with several alternative solutions they decided that their only course of action was to cut up the pumpkin, cook it, and make it into a pie that they could enter in the fair instead. After telling J all about the Imagination Movers G said, "I'm going to do like the Imagination Movers and make a Jack-O-Lantern pie when I get home." I thought his mistaken connection between halloween jack-o-lanterns and pumpkin pies was too cute.

I tried to convince G that "pumpkin" pies are made from small pumpkins and that I would help him make one if he wanted. G didn't agree with my opinion and maintained that he was going to use his "Great Pumpkin" to make his "Jack-O-Lantern Pie." So unless he changes his mind I may just have a lot of Jack-O-Lantern pie on my hands. Pie anyone?

Red Boots

My dad loved snow more than any person I've ever known. Living in the south, we don't get snow very often and when we do there's not very much of it. Snowflakes bring with them a sense of wonder and magic when they fall in Georgia and when I was growing up every time it snowed my dad would arrive at my front door, beeming from ear to ear, to deliver a brand new pair of shiny red snow boots. I can only imagine the joy it brought my dad to give me those boots. I most likely only wore each pair of those boots one time since snow doesn't last very long in north Georgia. That didn't matter to my dad. He loved snow, he loved me, and those little red boots brought as much happiness to my daddy as they did me.

I really didn't think a lot about those boots and the sacrifice my dad made to go out into the snow and purchase them for me until recently. In fact, the loving, unrequested gift of those boots is the perfect picture of the sacrifice my Heavenly Father made for me. Just as the red boots covered my feet and protected them, Christ's blood covers my sin and ensures eternal protection for my soul. The crimson blood of Christ washed me as white as the snow that I played in as a little girl.

It is my prayer that I stay focused on the precious gift of salvation and that every time I see a pair of red boots I am reminded of the sacrifice my Heavenly Father made to purchase eternal life for me.
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Red Boots

My dad loved snow more than any person I've ever known. Living in the south, we don't get snow very often and when we do there's not very much of it. Snowflakes bring with them a sense of wonder and magic when they fall in Georgia and when I was growing up every time it snowed my dad would arrive at my front door, beeming from ear to ear, to deliver a brand new pair of shiny red snow boots. I can only imagine the joy it brought my dad to give me those boots. I most likely only wore each pair of those boots one time since snow doesn't last very long in north Georgia. That didn't matter to my dad. He loved snow, he loved me, and those little red boots brought as much happiness to my daddy as they did me.

I really didn't think a lot about those boots and the sacrifice my dad made to go out into the snow and purchase them for me until recently. In fact, the loving, unrequested gift of those boots is the perfect picture of the sacrifice my Heavenly Father made for me. Just as the red boots covered my feet and protected them, Christ's blood covers my sin and ensures eternal protection for my soul. The crimson blood of Christ washed me as white as the snow that I played in as a little girl.

It is my prayer that I stay focused on the precious gift of salvation and that every time I see a pair of red boots I am reminded of the sacrifice my Heavenly Father made to purchase eternal life for me.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not come home from school and pass out from exhaustion, leaving my precious teenager in charge of his brother for another two hours. I know it was not me who woke from the nap, cooked supper, made two days worth of lunches, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, and bathed my son all before my husband came home from work (at almost 9:00). I have not done that much work in so long it makes me ashamed. I admit that I do rely on my sweet hubby way too much. Thank God for such a precious man.

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not come home from school and pass out from exhaustion, leaving my precious teenager in charge of his brother for another two hours. I know it was not me who woke from the nap, cooked supper, made two days worth of lunches, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, and bathed my son all before my husband came home from work (at almost 9:00). I have not done that much work in so long it makes me ashamed. I admit that I do rely on my sweet hubby way too much. Thank God for such a precious man.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Redneck Italian Wedding

Tonight our family drove to Chattanooga for another fun outing. This time we went to the Vaudville Dinner Theater and participated in a Redneck Italian Wedding. I was very impressed with the quality of the show and the food was wonderful. It was a very fun time and not overly priced. G loved it! I planned it thinking that it would be something T would enjoy. We all really had a great time. We were just all surprised by how much enjoyment that G got out of the experience. The funny thing is that some of those rednecks remind me of relatives and I am almost ashamed to say it but I think I might resemble some of the characters as well. It was nice to enjoy a night seeing smiles on my guys faces and having their laughter fill my heart. Thank you God for such a great night of family fun.

Redneck Italian Wedding

Tonight our family drove to Chattanooga for another fun outing. This time we went to the Vaudville Dinner Theater and participated in a Redneck Italian Wedding. I was very impressed with the quality of the show and the food was wonderful. It was a very fun time and not overly priced. G loved it! I planned it thinking that it would be something T would enjoy. We all really had a great time. We were just all surprised by how much enjoyment that G got out of the experience. The funny thing is that some of those rednecks remind me of relatives and I am almost ashamed to say it but I think I might resemble some of the characters as well. It was nice to enjoy a night seeing smiles on my guys faces and having their laughter fill my heart. Thank you God for such a great night of family fun.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

18 Things I Learned From T

On Ts 18th birthday I wanted to write a beautiful letter that explained my feelings for him and expressed what motherhood meant to me. As I sat down to begin the letter my thoughts were a jumble and I was unsuccessful in bringing them all together in a poetic way. What I did instead was make a list of 18 things that I learned from T. This is appropriate since it is his 18th birthday and because he will probably appreciate this list more because it suits his personality better. So, here is my list.

  1. I learned that toys have lots of tiny screws.
  2. I learned that no matter how hard I try I can never be completely in control of a situation.
  3. I learned that zip lines are not so scary and mud wrestling is really fun.
  4. I learned that I am capable of teaching someone to read (even if they don't want to).
  5. I learned that afternoon naps are best when shared between a mother and her little boy.
  6. I learned that nothing smells better than a freshly bathed baby.
  7. I learned that good books are better when they are shared.
  8. I learned that green egg die has the power to turn a little boy into the HULK.
  9. I learned that forts are the greatest things to little boys.
  10. I learned not to be afraid to experiment because I just might invent something new.
  11. I learned that boxes can be more fun than the presents that came in them.
  12. I learned that it is okay to ruin my only pair of shoes by getting in the creek to play.
  13. I learned that beautiful things are sometimes poisonous and how to reach poison control.
  14. I learned that one little boy can shake an entire house by running into a pole.
  15. I learned that duct tape can change an ordinary object into something magical.
  16. I learned that t.v. remotes will work without their back.
  17. I learned that a little boy has the ability to stuff half your dishes, most of his toys and a multitude of stray socks under one twin bed.
  18. I learned that I am capable of loving someone will all of my heart.

Happy Birthday T!!

I love you!

18 Things I Learned From T

On Ts 18th birthday I wanted to write a beautiful letter that explained my feelings for him and expressed what motherhood meant to me. As I sat down to begin the letter my thoughts were a jumble and I was unsuccessful in bringing them all together in a poetic way. What I did instead was make a list of 18 things that I learned from T. This is appropriate since it is his 18th birthday and because he will probably appreciate this list more because it suits his personality better. So, here is my list.

  1. I learned that toys have lots of tiny screws.
  2. I learned that no matter how hard I try I can never be completely in control of a situation.
  3. I learned that zip lines are not so scary and mud wrestling is really fun.
  4. I learned that I am capable of teaching someone to read (even if they don't want to).
  5. I learned that afternoon naps are best when shared between a mother and her little boy.
  6. I learned that nothing smells better than a freshly bathed baby.
  7. I learned that good books are better when they are shared.
  8. I learned that green egg die has the power to turn a little boy into the HULK.
  9. I learned that forts are the greatest things to little boys.
  10. I learned not to be afraid to experiment because I just might invent something new.
  11. I learned that boxes can be more fun than the presents that came in them.
  12. I learned that it is okay to ruin my only pair of shoes by getting in the creek to play.
  13. I learned that beautiful things are sometimes poisonous and how to reach poison control.
  14. I learned that one little boy can shake an entire house by running into a pole.
  15. I learned that duct tape can change an ordinary object into something magical.
  16. I learned that t.v. remotes will work without their back.
  17. I learned that a little boy has the ability to stuff half your dishes, most of his toys and a multitude of stray socks under one twin bed.
  18. I learned that I am capable of loving someone will all of my heart.

Happy Birthday T!!

I love you!